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Amazing Selection of Garage Door Windows

Outstanding Selection of Garage Door Windows

Shed Windows and More has garage door windows in an amazing selection of sizes and types to update the look of your home's garage.

Garage door windows add many benefits to your garage. Garage door windows provide extra light to your garage for a good working environment, especially if you use it as a shop along with car storage. Garage door windows also add a major amount of design interest and curb appeal to the front of your home.

If you’re trying to revamp the exterior of your house, you might be wondering how to do it other than redoing exterior paint, the roof, outdoor window coverings, or your front door. A frequently overlooked part of your home’s exterior is your garage door. Sure, it may seem pretty boring, and you might think there’s not much you can do about it. But if when you installed your garage door and you did so without windows, consider adding them to add curb appeal to your home’s exterior!

Add Light & Curb Appeal with Garage Door Windows

Shed Windows and More has stocked garage door window sizes for years; it was one of the first window products we added after shed windows.

While adding garage door windows is a wonderful upgrade for the exterior of your house, it is also good for the interior. If your garage doesn’t get much natural light, or you would like to increase the amount of natural light in your garage, windows are a great way to do that. This is especially important if you use your garage as a workshop or hobby space. Even if you don’t use it for those things, nobody likes having a dark cave for a garage!

If you decide to add garage door windows to your garage door, there are two routes you can go, as with most home improvement projects, DIY or a professional. Both options are totally feasible, and your decision will depend on how much money and time you can spend on this project.

If you are going the DIY route, make sure you know the size, manufacturer, and year of your garage door. This will help you find appropriately fitting windows and will also be beneficial when you need to ask for help while shopping for materials. We are there for you if you have any questions about the size or installation of your garage door windows, just give us a call at Shed Windows and More.

Garage Door Window Placement & Design

Garage door window placement and design can make or break the design appeal of your home. On this page, we are offering some tips on how to best decide what size, design, and placement for your new garage door windows wood have the most visual appeal while giving you the best-added light to your garage.

Once you decide to add your garage door windows, you must figure out where you will place them on your garage door, what kind of glass you will use, and then choose a decorative garage door window style. If you are concerned about privacy, placing your garage door windows higher on the garage door panel is best. This way, you will be able to get lots of natural light, but nobody will be able to see into your garage.

Place your garage door windows lower on your garage door if you would like to see out of them. If the lower placement appeals to you but you still desire privacy, opaque glass or one-way mirror style glass styles will be the best choices for your windows.

To best suit, your home’s exterior, consider matching any decorative details on your home windows to your garage door windows. For example, if you have Georgian tiling on your home windows, you might consider buying garage door windows that also have Georgian tiling. The same goes for any window trim details.

While remodeling your garage door with windows, you might also take this time to add another design flair. If your home has a rustic style, you could add faux metal hardware such as antique hinges to your garage door to complete your home’s look. It’s easy to forget that something as boring as your garage door can be a huge part of the curb appeal of your home! Adding windows with a little decorative design flair will be considered an architectural bonus and will greatly benefit you and your home in terms of value.

Let our customer's examples inspire you for your next DIY project. Shed Windows and More is dedicated to providing DIY builders with the very best in supplies for building their DIY project including the best garage door windows.

We would enjoy seeing your finished and updated home after you have installed your garage door windows. Many of the photos contained within the pages of our website or in our gallery have been shared by our customers with us. We are inspired by their creativity.

Garage Door Window Installation Tips

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Our dedication to providing the best quality garage door windows possible is what has made us the go-to source for DIY builders and construction companies for shed windows worldwide.

Our goal at Shed Windows and More is to provide a garage door window that not only looks good, but performs well, and has longevity.

Make sure the garage door windows are properly sealed when installed. Just as in your home, windows can be a huge source of heat loss, especially if the windows aren’t properly sealed. You might not spend a lot of time in your garage, but it is good to have sealed windows for the windows longevity and to have your garage a comfortable temperature while working there.

But in all likelihood you store things in your garage, and keeping your stored items at a relatively stable temperature is important. Making sure the windows are sealed will also prevent any moisture from getting into the garage, which could damage anything you have stored in our garage.

Choosing the best materials and not scrimping on quality or workmanship makes for a quality garage door window. Checking a few things before install can make your remodeling project simple and easy.

One thing to keep in mind when adding windows to your garage door is how it will change the weight and balance point of your garage door. Your garage door lifts using a spring system that acts as a counterweight. So, changing the weight of the door can throw your garage door’s spring system out of alignment.

It’s possible that you would have to change out the spring system on your door before adding the windows. This is of course an added cost to the project, so it is advised that you find out whether you will need to do this before you add your windows. Also if you have an automatic garage door opener, adding windows can change the balance of the garage door becasue of the added weight. Taking all these factors in account before hand insures a garage door that continues to perform well after the garage door windows are intalled.

If you are having a professional add garage door windows to your garage door, they should be able to take care of this easily and should advise you of the need to change your spring system before they add the windows. If you are DIY-ing it, you might consider asking a professional to assess the garage door, its current spring system or automatic opening system, and then your choose windows and tell you whether changing the spring or automatic opening system is necessary.