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Benefits of a Tiny House

Shed Windows and More has tiny house windows in an amazing selection of sizes and types for your tiny home.
Tiny houses have become quite trendy, being featured in all kinds of designer home magazines and television shows such as “Tiny House Builders” and “Tiny House, Big Living.” Perhaps you’ve heard of the tiny house movement and even considered a tiny house for yourself. If you’ve never heard of a tiny house, it is a house that is fewer than 500 square feet.
This number might cause you to think back to your tiny college dorm days, but not to worry! You only have to fit yourself and whoever else you may wish into your own tiny house. The tiny house lifestyle is not just about the number of square feet your home is, however. The tiny house movement promotes living simply, without all the high-cost accessories of our modern American lives. It also promotes living in a way that has the smallest possible impact on the environment. Living in a tiny house might seem a little extreme at first, but it offers many benefits.
Tiny Houses are Financially Smart

The economy has surely improved since the downturn of 2007, but that doesn’t mean things aren’t tough anymore! Homeownership has become increasingly infeasible for young people, especially those with student loans. These college grads are forced to move back in with their parents just to make ends meet while paying off their debt. A tiny house is ideal for Millennials in debt as they are inexpensive to build or buy, and inexpensive to keep running. A tiny house will be low on gas and electricity bills and won’t require a mortgage! Instead of having your college grads move home to live in your house, you might consider building a tiny house on your property for them to live in.
A tiny home can be ideal for retired baby boomers as well. Retirement homes and communities are becoming increasingly expensive, and it is more difficult now to retire early and with a livable wage. A tiny house that is low on bills and maintenance cost is perfect for those of us beginning to look into retirement options. A tiny home that is mobile can also be used as a granny unit, or as an RV for traveling! Tiny homes tend to maximize vertical space by using stairs and ladders, but if your intention is to use your tiny home for your elders, you might want to consider keeping the house to a single level.

Tiny Houses are Environmentally Friendly
Tiny homes have quite a tiny environmental footprint! Not only do they use less electricity, water, and gas, but they also take up less land and building materials. Speaking of building materials, you can choose to use only recycled and up-cycled materials in your tiny house.
A Tiny House Can Declutter Your Life
Have you always felt like you have too much stuff? One great thing about moving into a tiny house is that it forces you to declutter. And, once you have decluttered your life, you won’t be able to accumulate as much stuff since you won’t have enough space for it all. Think about all the money you will save by not buying random trinkets and souvenirs! A tiny house lifestyle is all about keeping only the necessities for your daily life.
Do you love decorating? You might think that having a tiny house and not much space to decorate would put a damper on your holiday decorating plans. However, when it does come time to decorate for a birthday, Halloween, or even Christmas, you will be able to completely change the mood of your home with only a few decorations. If you are one to spend hundreds of dollars on your Christmas decorations every year, having less space to decorate can save you a lot of money! And, with fewer holiday decorations, they will be easier to organize and store. No more tangled clumps of Christmas lights and garlands cluttering up your garage!

Quality Tiny House Windows Upgrade Your Tiny Home

Our dedication to providing the best quality tiny house windows possible is what has made us the go-to source for DIY builders and construction companies for shed windows worldwide.
Tiny Houses Promote Adventuring
If you have always wanted to travel around RV-style, a tiny house might be the perfect living and traveling situation for you. A tiny house offers more customization in terms of design than an RV, and as such can be a much more attractive place to live in. You can also design your tiny house to be completely off the grid, giving you more traveling flexibility than an RV that needs power and water. Keep in mind that to keep your tiny house mobile, it will have to be on wheels and you will need an appropriate vehicle to tow it.
Tiny Houses are DIY Friendly
A tiny house is a perfect house for exercising your architecture and carpentry muscles! You can do it very affordably since it won’t need as many building materials due to its small size. If DIY building and DIY projects are not your thing, there are options for buying a pre-made or prebuilt tiny house.
However, if you build your tiny house yourself, you can be sure it is tailored perfectly to your particular needs. You can be sure to put it on wheels if traveling is your priority, and you can maximize or minimize kitchen and entertaining space depending on how much you like to cook. Love cute ladders to loft beds? Great! Afraid of heights? Go ahead and skip out on the ladder, and opt perhaps for a Murphy-style bed. As mentioned before, if the environment is very important to you and you choose to DIY build it, you can opt for using all environmentally friendly building materials in your tiny house since the cost to go green on a tiny scale is less.
Tiny House Windows
If you do choose to build your own tiny house, don’t forget how important windows are to your home! You won’t have as much wall space for windows in your tiny house, but don’t let that make you underestimate the importance of natural light and ventilation in your tiny house. Because you won’t have a lot of space for windows, you will have to be thrifty and find neat, oddly sized, and shaped windows for your tiny house. You also don’t want to skimp on your windows, as insulation can make a huge difference in your energy use: double pane windows are a must! At Shed Windows and More, any tiny house builder will find all kinds of windows and accessories for their own tiny house. We have plenty of small double-pane windows in hard-to-find sizes. Check out our stock today of tiny house windows!