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Amazing Selection of Playhouse Windows

Shed Windows and More has playhouse windows in an amazing selection of sizes and types for your children's playhouse.
Playhouse windows can either make or break the look of a playhouse, especially if the size is not correct. Great-looking playhouse windows can take a playhouse from functional to a playhouse that adds beauty to your property and backyard. There are a few important facts to take into account before pounding nails and framing your playhouse that can help your finished project turn out to fit your children's needs and get finished quicker.
Shed Windows and More has stocked hard-to-find playhouse window sizes for years because we know that playhouse structures take smaller windows to look at scale and finish properly. Playhouse windows are an important component of building your children's playhouse.
Growing up nearly every child at one point wants their family to build a playhouse or fort. Great childhood memories happen playing make-believe in a playhouse.
Our customers have shared with us over the years some planning factors that help you build a playhouse that is safe and sturdy and able to withstand the hours of play that happens in a playhouse. Look to Shed Windows and More for your best selection for playhouse windows. Playhouses need properly sized playhouse windows to look in proportion to the building size and use. It was the large why behind the beginnings of Shed Windows and More, to provide hard-to-find building supplies for the DIY builder or contractor.
Designing Your Children's Playhouse

Let's take a look at some questions, that when answered will make building your children's playhouse that much easier:
Some well thought out planning can really move your playhouse plans along and ensure that your finished playhouse is well suited to your children: wants and needs:
- Kids want to use a playhouse for a variety of play activities, to be sure that it is well suited to both boys and girls be sure to include elements both would enjoy.
- Remember that children from 3 to usually 9 or 10 are the main age groups that play in playhouses. For your playhouse to have longevity and suit both ends of the age spectrum be sure that sizing fits from 3 1/2 feet tall to 4 1/2 feet tall children. Keep this really in mind for the roof, door, and counter height.
- Remember to make your child’s playhouse comfy both winter and summer, don’t forget the insulation, and keep the playhouse well ventilated.
- Make sure all surfaces are easy to clean, especially the floor.
- Ensure that your playhouse is safe for a wide range of ages by making corners on the inside of the structure rounded to help prevent accidents.
- Families move more often these days; make sure your house can be taken apart or will easily fit on a flatbed trailer to bring the playhouse to your new home.
- Above all build it strong and sturdy; in playing children open cabinets and doors hundreds of times, think of wear and tear.
- Keep in mind kids like to climb and crawl, and an outdoor slide from a second story or an inside slide down from a loft will bring hours of fun.

Quality Playhouse Windows Ensuring Years of Fun

Our dedication to providing the best quality playhouse windows possible is what has made us the go-to source for families, DIY builders, and construction companies for playhouse windows.
Our goal at Shed Windows and More is to provide a playhouse window that not only looks good, but performs well, and has longevity. You are making an investment of your time and money building your children's playhouse and you want a product that is as good as your workmanship, a playhouse window you can count on to perform well for years.
Consistent quality of playhouse windows requires choosing the best materials for their construction and not scrimping on quality or workmanship.
Shed Windows and More playhouse windows are 5 ml tempered glass, constructed of thick aluminum, enhanced with a special design spring to keep spring clips in place, our playhouse windows are priced competitively, they are available in an amazing selection of styles and sizes meant for your children's playhouse.